After last week’s election, my faith in the American people has been somewhat restored!
Like many Americans, particularly women and those of color, I had become increasingly concerned and despondent at the threats, vitriol, and divisive rhetoric we saw during the 2016 presidential campaign and the first year of the Trump Administration. The name calling of friends and foes alike, insulting our allies, the disrespect for American tradition and American institutions, the disparaging of women and people of color, the support of white supremacy and just engaging in issues that should not be for a US President to engage and the many distortions of the truth. These things do not represent the America I know and love. Yet if you listen to some in the media, folks in one political party and this president, you would think that most Americans buy into this view of their America. We have a new FLOTUS who is finding her way and, also taking on a tough role and who has made “Cyber-Bullying” her signature initiative – – – a great project to undertake; except that her husband, the leader of the free world is the world’s biggest Cyber Bully. What a contradiction?
Back to my opening statement – – My faith has been somewhat restored by last Tuesday’s election. Not everyone has signed on to the new rules of engagement for politics in our country that promotes divisiveness and racism in America. There are still many that believe we are “STRONGER TOGETHER”, that while there will always be ideology differences, we can work through those differences together without vitriol. Across the country, in last week’s election (in addition to the big Governor races in Virginia and New Jersey) we elected: two transgender women to office, several African American councilmembers in the south, a gay/lesbian mayor, and Asian American delegate. And the list goes on and on. This is the America I’d like to see: one with diverse people with diverse opinions from all walks of life. This is what will “MAKE AMERICA GREAT – – ER”
Following is an article worth the long read that gives some historic background, but also prepares us for the road ahead.
“Donald Trump Is the First White President”. Ta Nehisi-Coats/537909/
Am I right to have my faith restored?